Saturday, September 20, 2008


I am adding a variety of garlic bulbs to my fall planting repertoire. I've noticed the local grocery store garlic, while inexpensive, seems to be losing it's "oomph," growing more and more bland. I like the idea of braided garlic hanging next to the onions in the cellar.

My research sources have primarily been and the Sept 2008 issue of Herb Companion.

Here's my pre-planting info…

The braiding kind is the soft-neck, what you usually find at the store….not ideal for super cold winters. Hard-neck has a flower stalk which needs to be removed or the bulbs get smaller.

Plant in fall, pointy end up, 2-3 inches deep, 6 in apart in rows 10 in apart, in loose "loamy" soil w/near neutral PH. Cold winters need a loose mulch, but remove in spring to prevent slugs/mold.

Water well but let dry out about a week before harvest. On the hard-necks, cut off the "scapes" (flower stalks) after they curl down and before they uncurl. You can eat these in soups, salads etc.

Harvest when about 5-6 leaves remain green, cure in well-ventilated area out of the sun in bundles of 6-12 for several weeks. Store in netted bags.

Severe winter tolerant garlic = Purple Stripe, Porcelain, Marbled Purple Stripe, Rocambole.

Creole varieties have good flavor and store well.

Silverskin is best for long storing. Long storing varieties do not have the flavor complexities you find in other garlics.

Sources for info/ordering

Sunday, September 07, 2008

The Godmother, Canning, New Kitties

I am officially a Godmother as of this weekend, very cool. Looking at my beautiful neice Madeline in all her snowy white satin and tulle, pretty much exploding with love, i remembered the little sketchbook/scrapbook i'd started for her when she was born... and my plans to add a page here and there....and all the pages i havent added. Best laid plans...Every time i see her, i think "ohhh, this would be a cute little drawing to put in her book..." but then the rest of my life crashes in and it never gets done. Last nite i lay in bed thinking about Maddie kissing her reflection in the mirror at church, what a great page that would make, how would i do all that white...i really need to start making art again. i miss it.

meanwhile....there's wax beans and tomatos to be canned. and more beets. found a great recipe for eggplant in my "cooks illustrated" mag i'll be trying for maddie's b-day party next weekend. still havent got out the thank you's for the wedding gifts...etc etc etc.

we now have 3 generations of kitties....maude, daughter of lena, had one little kitten last week.