Thursday, August 09, 2007

Sunflower Bummer

August 2007 All the lovely lovely sunflowers were ready to shine...then the rains came and wiped them all out. Plant away from direct water flow from eaves, and provide support.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

aug 8

major sadness here on the farm....our sweet dog louis either ran away or was stolen, we arent sure. he's been missing since last tuesday, july 30th. we made up lost dog posters and knocked on doors etc., but no louis. we'd finally kind of accepted that he's gone when yesterday we got a call saying they saw him, right at the end of our (very long) driveway! looking very lost and sad. but hours of searching and calling have so far yielded nothing. we'll keep trying though.

another chicken, the big rooster, 'broke' the other day, and sherm processed him all by himself. pretty impressive! i notice another is down but dont think i'll be taking it upon myself to take care of it. i did clean out the 'coop' all by myself the other day. felt like quite the authentic farm woman out there in my wellies and overalls, shovelling shit in the 90 degree heat. i do my part.

our new floors are gorgeous, and the new 'temporary' walls look great too. as sherm says, no fabulous or anything, just normal. like normal people live here.

its aug 8th and i am putting in the seeds for our autumn crop today. chinese cabbage, radishes, beets and cucumbers. our current crop of cukes are lousy. if they arent bitter, they are bizarrely large or misshapen.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Little Lena had 3 kittens Sunday, July 25th. The day before we found a nest of baby bunnies in the middle of our snap pea bed.