Our boy Thor has proven his rooster-hood! (I believe he is a Speckled Hamburg.)
One of our hens went broody, so I marked about 16 eggs for her to sit on, really not expecting anything to happen. I've been a chicken lover for about four years now, and have always had to purchase my chicks from a retailer.
Mary-Kate, (or Ashley, I cant tell them apart) was such a good and patient momma, never leaving the brooder. I really felt sorry for her, and would leave her handfuls of feed and little dishes of fresh water. The other night I went out to lock up the coop, and she was o
ut of the brooder and on the floor of the coop, all puffed up and staring at me, not moving. We've had predator attacks lately, and I was worried that maybe she was injured. When I picked her up to put her back in the brooder, about a dozen little chicks took off running in every direction~ It was so exciting! I hurried to Farm-n-Fleet to get electrolytes for the water, and some chick feed. Apparently, the adult layer feed is bad for baby chicks, and can damage their reproductive systems. I also bought a heat bulb, but that wasn't necessary, since these babies have their momma to keep them warm. I also do not need to worry about keeping them separated from the rest of the birds like I do when I order chicks from Welp. Momma is right there to protect them, so the others just leave them alone. They are now a few days old, and I have not found any sad little chicks that didn't make it for whatever reason. Typically, when I order chicks, I always have to order a few extras because I would always lose at least one or two. Partially, it would be error on my part, for example, not knowing to put marbles in the water and one would drown. Also I think the being one day old, then put into a box and mailed is probably a rather traumatic experience.
I have no clue what breed these babies are, looks like a few different types. Most are black and tiny, a few gray and a bit larger, and one gold colored bird.